Soulfully Aligned Business Mastery❤️🔥

A 4-week cohort for heart-led, inspiring coaches/consultants who want to build a resistance & friction-free, passionate business by tapping into their higher selves and intuition.29th June to 20th July

This is for you If:

You’re a beginner coach (with a couple of months of experience).When starting off, you tried to learn everything you could about business and coaching through Youtube videos, courses, guides & whatnot, and started to implement them to “kickstart your business”. As a couple of months pass by, you realize… nothing is really working for you.Yes, you might have started working with some clients…and even started earning a bit, but things don’t seem to click. This leads to:💖Inconsistency in your efforts because you just CAN’T seem to do it every day
💖Information overwhelm
💖A sparse number of inbound leads or clients
💖You feel emotionally drained, frustrated, and sometimes…desperate
💖You are not leading the life you thought you’d lead if you became an entrepreneur
💖You know something’s wrong…just cannot point out what
💖You’re feeling blank about the next steps. And you’re stuck about what to do next so that you can move forward in your business
Seems familiar? You’re in the right place, my friend!

Don't just take it from me... see what my other clients are saying!

You simply need to listen to your higher self!

I decided to run the cohort because I was tired. Tired of seeing beautiful, inspiring, self-led souls like you fall into the rabbit hole as I did.🔥Imagine running a business you're fucking passionate about. Working with dream clients who respect you, inspire you, and bring out the best energy in you🔥Imagine feeling a sense of ease in your business instead of feeling like constant work🔥Imagine setting your rules, your boundaries, and your goals without giving a fuck about what the world (or a typical Twitter bro) says🔥Imagine leading the path in your business without constantly looking left and right about what others are doing🔥Imagine not running, grabbing, or going through an intense emotional rollercoaster every time you launch an offer or need to sell a coaching spot🔥Most importantly, imagine feeling RIGHT in your heart: the calm, the peace, the beauty, and the neutrality for your business.Now, visualize the whole image: You are sitting in a place you love, living your dream life (however mundane or over the clouds it might be), and doing a job you love.Beautiful, right?

What do you get???

I'm NOT gonna teach you strategy here (okay...probably a bit).Because that's NOT my job. I genuinely believe that you amazing souls already know what to do in your heart. You simply need to listen to your heart, peel off the limiting beliefs, and get the guts to take BIG FUCKING BOLD steps. However crazy or terrifying it might be. Because trust me, it's going to be soooooo fucking worth it.So my job is only to show you the possibilities and give you a slight push toward the mind-boggling world that awaits you!During the cohort, you get:❤️4 × 90-min group sessions (with assignments) [recorded]
❤️2 hot seat coaching sessions in the 2nd and 4th week [recorded]
❤️Access to a fantastic community of coaches who’ll be in the same space as yours
❤️24/4 (Mon-Thurs) message coaching access to me
Timeline: 29th June to 20th July (4 sessions)

Topics that'll be covered in the container

This is still a work in progress. I'll be finalizing the details within a week🔥Limiting beliefs w.r.t money, business, clients, and yourself
🔥Learning to listen to your heart and higher self
🔥How to work through your internal resistance and friction
🔥How to tap into the energetics needed to be the fantastic, inspiring coach that you are
🔥Learning to manifest your biggest dreams by choosing abundance instead of scarcity
🔥How to implement everything you’ve learned and not let it become just theory
I want your business to experience the magic you deserve! Are you ready?

© Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram Coaching LLC. All rights reserved.